I’m very passionate about illustrating packaging, food, sweets, cities, landscapes, and Christmas. Therefore, I’ve created as my development work illustrations, that could be used in Christmas ...
Christmas Packaging for chocolates, sweets and biscuits
personal work

This Gin was created on the occasion of the historic Peter and Paul town festival in the city of Bretten and is limited edition. The desing combines historical look and elements like Brettner dog, ...
Gin packaging design for
Gin 42 “Tapferkeitstropfen”

I’ve created as my development work illustrations, that could be used in Kate Spade’s Christmas Campaign. My “She Leaves a Sparkle Wherever She Goes” Campaign tells a story of a busy, ...
Christmas Campaign for fashion
“She leaves a sparkle wherever she goes”

I had pleasure to illustrate s few articles in Concept-based Inquiry Position Paper. The papers serve as a touchstone for educational decision-makers, allowing them to implement current ...